Multiple AWS config files

This is a brief post on how I fully moved from vim to nvim.

gopls asdf

Get gopls working

Fully moving onto neovim

This is a brief post on how I fully moved from vim to nvim.

Overwrite using vim with nvim

So you installed neovim, but want to use it anywhere vim is used. Follow this guide to find out how.

git whatchanged

Find out recent changes in git.

psql watch + auto extend

Let’s talk about auto extending result sets and watching the last query.

Git config's includeIf for multiple configs

Git introduced a directive to allow conditional git configurations. Let’s explore using it for multiple configs.

Quickly download a Github asset from the latest release

Learn how to quickly download a Github asset from a repository tagged latest.

Deleting Kubernetes Service Catalog bindings

Kubernetes’ Service Catalog is less documented/blogged about. Learn how to delete stale instance bindings for Service Catalog instances

From LastPass to a free password manager

LastPass is charging for multi-device support. Learn how to do this for free.

fzf-vim as your search guide

A better way to search for files in vim

Open new tmux panes in current dir

Learn this little simple lifehack to improve your quality of life